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Additional 40 Hours – rationale

At Beal Sixth Form, we have increased the student contact and support by a minimum of 40 additional hours for the academic year 2023-24 in the following ways to meet their needs, increase engagement and maximise student achievement and progression.

  • increased supervised private study hours: academic mentoring, study skills and wellbeing support

  • added additional classes for students under-achieving in their studies

  • introduced after-school careers’ talks

  • set up the Beal Student Forum and Alumni network for student leadership council, which meets after-school

  • introduced additional clubs and societies for sixth form (debating, chess, miniature painting, Art club)

  • introduced academic projects in partnership with Queen Mary University of London, Social Action forHealth and Imperial College London

  • launched Young Reporter group to raise literacy

  • UCAS mentoring – 1:1 support/feedback with staff

  • introduced compulsory work experience and mentoring with partners PathwaysCTM, SpringPod, SpeakersforSchools and UpTree

  • Established an Apprenticeship group for smaller group support for students seeking alternatives to university

  • Increased student counselling capacity by one additional professional so more students can access service

  • Introduced Oxbridge and Medical school masterclasses to support students with their applications

  • Added charity drop down mornings and afternoons for fundraising – bake sales, coffee mornings, Cultural Days, staff v students sporting events

  • Recruited staff and students to run Schools Enterprise Award and Redbridge Democracy Project

  • Established Primary school outreach group for promoting tolerance and respect of all faiths

  • Created a drop in clinic for students to visit with FUSION and BEWIZE, giving support for students with drugs/alcohol and sexual health issues

  • Introduced mandatory GiveBack programme – all students volunteer for one hour a fortnight with school departments

  • Launched Duke of Edinburgh award

  • Introduced mock interview days with ‘Making the Leap’ charity where every student receives a 1:1 careers interview each day

  • Increased number of trips, including to Cambridge and Queen Mary universities, Houses of Parliament and Redbridge Council Chambers

  • Implemented an enhanced Progression Week, featuring academic IAGs, apprenticeship and careers talks, employability workshops and visits

  • Launched updated weekly bulletin for students to read in unstructured time, including article of the week, workplace/volunteering opportunities, university visits and academic competitions

  • Full rollout of Unifrog platform so students can access super-curricular and university resources, materials and search engines as well as staff and student training

  • For more information, please see: News – Beal High School and Sixth Form Bulletin – Beal High School

The impact of all provision above will be measured by the following KPIs

  • Increase in attendance

  • Increase in progression rates and academic outcomes

  • Increase in Personal Development Award certification Gold/Silver/Bronze

  • Increase in retention rates

  • Increase in wider school impact

  • Increase in safeguarding referrals

  • Reduction in behavioural incidents and suspensions/exclusions

  • Increase in safety, wellbeing and ambition as measured by student voice surveys